The Sunrise Powerlink is a 117-mile transmission line built in 2010-2012 by San Diego Gas & Electric Company. The transmission line traverses a variety of challenging terrain and protected habitats throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties, including desert, mountains and densely populated coastal regions. Some of the federal and state protected species’ ranges crossed by the Sunrise Powerlink right-of-way include the Quino checkerspot butterfly, arroyo toad, California gnatcatcher, southwestern willow flycatcher, and Peninsular bighorn sheep.
Pangea Biological provided an array of support to the project, including:
Biological surveys during the pre-construction phase
Clearance sweeps, avian nest surveys, and biological monitoring during the construction and restoration phases of the project
Environmental compliance monitoring during construction providing Link Leads, Biological Monitors, and Avian Specialists
"I just wanted to pass this along from Sunrise Base. They told me the Pangea people are a pleasure to deal with and your people are always professional and do their radio checks, texts, and call-ins like clockwork. They truly enjoy working with your staff on the project. Your monitoring team has been exceptional on the project."
- Burns & McDonnell