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Undertaken by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and constructed by Barnard Construction, the Barren Ridge Renewable Transmission Project adds 61 miles of 230 kV double and triple circuit transmission line to connect the Barren Ridge Switching Station with the new Haskell Canyon Switching Station. The line traverses challenging terrain and is designed to access the wind and solar power of the Tehachapi Mountains and the Mojave Desert. Pangea Biological provided environmental and stormwater compliance support for the project, including full-time on-site compliance management throughout all construction phases. We also provide:


  • Report coordination and documentation submittals

  • On-going training for the Barnard project team regarding environmental requirements and site-specific issues

  • Identification of mitigation measures and evaluation of the ways in which these measures affect the construction

  • Overall coordination between the Barnard and LADWP teams during construction to communicate the environmental requirements of the project and any variances based on these requirements



"We truly appreciate the excellent support you've given us at Barren Ridge. Pangea Biological staff are truly an asset on the project."


- Barnard Construction

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